Mediterranean diet of high-fat yogurt ‘keeps you slim’

In a somewhat surprising finding, the latest study concludes that whole-fat yogurt helps keep the pounds off more effectively than low-fat yogurt.

And if you eat a lot of yogurt in combination with a Mediterranean diet you could cut your risk of obesity by 36 per cent.

The reason nutritionists say whole-fat yogurts are healthier is that so-called “diet” yogurts can be loaded with sugars and additives to make them taste good.

Eating yogurt sporadically does not appear to do much good, however. You need to consume at least a 150g pot every day. Those eating low-fat yogurts can reduce their risk of obesity by 12 per cent. But choose whole-fat yogurt instead and you cut your chances of becoming fat by 19 per cent.

Consuming yogurt in combin­ation with other healthy foods is an even better defence. If you eat a lot of fruit with whole fat yogurt you can reduce your risk of obesity by 22 per cent.

And if people eat yogurt every day and combine it with a Medi­terranean diet – lots of fish, fruit and vegetables and whole grains – it does even more to help fight obesity.

Eating any kind of yogurt with this diet can reduce your obesity risk by 25 per cent, but once high-fat yogurt is introduced to the mix this soars to 36 per cent.

The latest study was presented at the European Congress on ­Obesity in Bulgaria.

Researchers examined 8,516 men and women of normal weight over two years, focusing on their consumption of yogurt.

Study leader Professor Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, of the University of Navarra in Spain, called for more research, adding: “The association between whole-fat yogurt and obesity was somewhat unexpected.

“We cannot fully explain the mechanism. The observation that low-fat yogurt consumption was not associated with a reduced risk of obesity can be attributed to the high sugar content of low-fat yogurt.”

He went on: “The other reason could be the modification of bacteria in the gut.

“Lactobacillus and other good bacteria found in yogurt may promote less inflammation which is associated with obesity.”

Yogurts with a combination of strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria have long been known to help create a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut, which aids metabolism and digestion.

Prof Martinez-Gonzalez added: “High yogurt consumption was associated with lower risk of obesity during follow-up, especially in those participants with a high adherence to the Mediterranean diet or high fruit consumption.”

Yogurt has long been hailed for its health benefits and is a staple of diets across Mediterranean countries such as France, Spain, Italy and Greece.

High in calcium and protein, yogurt reduces the appetite for longer than sugary foods.

Results from previous studies looking at the link between yogurt consumption and the risk of obesity have been inconsistent.